For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
There are several opportunities to serve at Murdale Baptist Church,
no matter where you are in the world or how God has gifted you!
Serve in our church...
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
We believe that God has equipped every son and daughter of Christ to do Kingdom work. Here at MBC we want to help you use your God-given gifts and fulfill the calling that our Lord has placed in your life! We ask that you prayerfully consider serving along side us as we seek to bring glory to God through Kingdom building work!
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Simply fill out the form above and let us know how God has equipped you and where He has given you a passion to serve in the Church! We want to get you where God has called you to serve! Just fill out the form above and we will get you plugged in!
How do I volunteer with kids?
We have multiple areas to volunteer with our Kids Ministry! We have Nursery, Life Group Leaders, AWANA Volunteers, Upward Basketball, Summer Camps and more! Just fill out the form above and we will get you plugged in!
How do I volunteer with Music and Worship?
We have multiple areas within our Music and Worship Ministry where you can plug in! We have a Worship Choir, Praise Band, Technology Team and more with our Summer Week of Choir and other Musical Productions throughout the year! Just fill out the form above and we will get you plugged in!
How do I volunteer with students?
We have multiple areas to volunteer with our Student Ministry! We need adult leaders to connect with our growing student ministry, Prayer Partners for our students, Chaperones for our Trips and Events and more! Just fill out the form above and we will get you plugged in!